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When the Wind is Not at Your Back
It’s the new year. And with it comes a list of goals. Improvements. Exercise and meal prep plans. Habit trackers. Crisps pages of new planners. Early morning alarms. Dedicated time to our dreams, tasks, and ambitions. A blank slate, that we are determined to fill in strategic, logical, productive ways.
Reminders for a Rainy Day
A rainy day reminds you that if you can find delight, goodness, joy even, in this storm, then you can find it in your own storm too.
Are You Sitting in the Tension?
For the one who sits in the tension, between utter joy and inescapable grief. I pray this season you may nestle down, finding a soft place to rest your head. A place where you can feel the peace. May you let yourself hold the extremes, yet feel every single thing in between.
Life Lessons From a Puzzle
here, this puzzle gave me a blueprint for how to come out the the other side. How to come back to me.
Being Brave Means Being Afraid.
As I finished the sentence, I burst out into tears. This children’s lesson that I was about to teach, had totally rocked me. Because it wasn’t just for them, it was for me.