Being Brave Means Being Afraid.

A few days ago, I was helping my friend Erika teach a lesson on bravery to a group of children. As I was preparing, I read the first line of the curriculum: “Ask a child what they think “brave” means to them and they will probably say it means not being afraid. But, it’s the opposite.”

As I finished the sentence, I burst out into tears. This children’s lesson that I was about to teach, had totally rocked me. Because it wasn’t just for them, it was for me.

If I’m honest, lately I haven’t been feeling brave. When your thoughts are circling with doubts and fears. When things are unclear and you don’t know how it’s all going to work out. You feel far from brave. You feel anything but it.

But what this lesson showed me, was in fact that I am brave. I’m brave BECAUSE I feel those things and yet I’m still choosing to move forward anyway.  If I didn’t feel those things, it wouldn’t actually be classified as bravery at all.

Being brave means being afraid and still doing it anyway. This week, I needed that reminder and maybe you do too.


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