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Don’t Quit
It’s really hard when you’re in the middle of something. When the joys of newness, fresh starts, and hopeful beginnings have worn off. When you’re smack dab in the messy middle. When you find yourself doubting if you have what it takes to make it to the end, or if you’re being honest, to even make it another day.
Birthday Thoughts
This was a big year. In so many ways. Some of which are public and obvious to the onlooker. But most - tender, sacred, and unseen. I’ve done some deep, deep heart work. Daring myself to get down to the core. Going after questions like Who am I? Where do I find my worth? What was it that I was made for?
Taking Shortcuts
There are no shortcuts to where you want to go. No shortcuts to a life that is truly full. There are no life hacks. Secrets. Fast tracks. No 10 steps. Must-haves. Come on, hurry up, go fast. No, where you are trying to go, towards a life that is truly full, is a long pursuit.
Being Brave Means Being Afraid.
As I finished the sentence, I burst out into tears. This children’s lesson that I was about to teach, had totally rocked me. Because it wasn’t just for them, it was for me.