Show Up Late.

“You’re late!” my 80-year-old friend Gladimer said in his thick Russian accent. “I know, I know.” I sighed, “But at least I showed up.”

I put my goggles on and lowered myself into the swimming lane. I spent the first few laps thinking about the fact that 5 minutes ago, I was sitting in my car debating whether or not I should come in at all, thinking “I’m already 15 minutes late, maybe I should just go home.”

Here in the middle of my breaststroke, it struck me that swimming wasn’t the only area of my life that I let the fear of being late hold me back from showing up. The more I thought about it, this is something we all do, constantly in our own ways.

Whether it’s a friend you lost contact with over the years, who you’ve been dying to reach out to but you’ve convinced yourself that it’s too late. That too much time has passed and they probably wouldn’t want to hear from you anyway.

Or it’s a dream you have that you can’t shake. Maybe it’s to go back to grad school. Or write a book. Or backpack Europe. Yet, you hold onto this little lie that it’s too late. I’m too old. I missed my window of opportunity.

Or maybe you hurt a family member’s feelings. You wronged them in some way and you’ve been dying to apologize. To ask for forgiveness. But the fear of being too late and missing your chance is holding you back.

It could be that you have a bad habit you’ve been trying to kick or a new habit you’ve been trying to pick up. Eating healthier or moving your body more. Or quitting smoking. But you’re discouraged, thinking it’s too late. I should have started years ago, what’s the point now?

Well, I’m here to tell you friends that sometimes it’s better to show up late than to not show up at all.

So today, may you give yourself grace and have the courage to show up late to the different areas of your life.


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