When You Don’t Have Anything to Offer...
This week, I didn’t feel like I had anything significant to say. No true value to add to your inboxes. No epiphanies or ah-ha moments. No wisdom or mics to drop.
But here, as I spiraled into those doubts of having nothing to offer, I found that this was actually the perfect thing to share.
I realized that the best thing you can offer the world does not actually come from what you say, what you do, or what you produce. No, the best thing you can give the world today is YOU.
You, however you are. Messy, imperfect, broken or unsure. Your value came before you even took your first breath. You are worthy and rare simply because you are here. Your life and story is what makes you unique. No one else can offer the world what you can.
It’s simple, but it’s true. Don’t rob the world by holding back what is uniquely you.