Confidence Must Be Tended To…
Who wants to be confident? Everyone. Many of us are just waiting for that day when we will wake up, look in the mirror, + love ourselves, feeling totally confident in our own skin. But what we don’t realize is that our confidence is like a garden that needs to be tended to. We need to be constantly pulling out the weeds in our mind. You know what weeds we’re talking about — those negative thoughts + opinions you keep coming across during your day. The ones that are insistent on invading the good roots of your life. The ones that tell you that you are not enough, in fact you never will be. That you’re lost. Alone. Forgotten. Unworthy.
We must pluck those bad boys out, + discard them as what they are — weeds. And instead, we need to actively begin to plant good seeds. Seeds of kind words + gratitude. Seeds of love + grace. We need to practice watering the right things, giving our attention + care to the good thoughts. The thoughts that will eventually bear beautiful things in your life. Thoughts like I am worth celebrating. I am important. I am valuable. People care about me. I am loved + cherished. Strong + sweet.
These simple thoughts may just begin as seeds, but you just wait + see, you’ll be amazed at the confidence that will bloom when you actually begin to water the right things.