When Things are Hard…
What do we do when those close to us are in a dark place? Or are facing what feels like an impossible situation? When they are so stressed, overwhelmed, or far from hope, how do we help? What do we say…?
We show up again + again + again. We show up to remind them of who they are. To remind them of what they carry. To remind them of what we see.
When they feel weak, we remind them of their strength. When they feel alone, we remind them that in their presence is a favorite place for us to be. When they feel like giving up, we remind them of how far they’ve come. When they feel unworthy, we remind them of the gold we know + see.
While we can’t always understand where they are at currently, we can have eyes that see beyond today. Eyes that have hope + belief in where they're going, in who they’re becoming, in how they will overcome.
We remind them that their heart carries the power to do hard things. In fact, they are more than just a conquerer, on the other side of this battle will not only be victory but also an abundance of beauty + joy.